6 Spring Lawn Care Tips

The last remnants of the cold winter months are finally fading away. When spring comes along, it brings with it a breath of fresh air and a new start. This is the perfect time of the year to get your lawn ready for warmer days. Warm weather means spending more time outdoors. So, why not get your lawn ready too?

When it comes to sprucing up your lawn for the spring season, you can either do it yourself or hire a professional landscape contractor. If you choose to undergo this project yourself, Turf Titanz has some great spring lawn care tips for you!

Seasonal Clean-Up

As you begin to get your lawn ready for spring, the first step should be a seasonal clean-up. Winter usually leaves our lawns in a bad state. Clean and sweep away all the leaves, twigs, and debris that have accumulated over the cold months. Take out that leaf blower or rake and get to work.

When your outdoor space is clean, you can have a better view of what needs to be done to get it ready for the season. 


If you live in an area where it snows in the winter months, your lawn has probably been through a lot. The grass and soil on your lawn now need a breath of fresh air. 

Spring is the perfect time to aerate your lawn. Aeration is a process to relieve soil compaction and enhance the growth of grass. It involves poking holes in the soil in order to loosen it up and allow grass to receive water and nutrients. 

Assess Soil

Your lawn’s soil is integral to its health and good appearance. Spring is the perfect time to routinely assess your soil and inspect its condition.

Grass thrives when the soil’s pH is at the right level. This is why it is necessary to test your soil and see what is lacking. If the pH is too acidic, it may inhibit grass growth. A routine spring assessment plan will help identify the problems earlier on so you can timely treat them in time for summer. 

Treat With Fertilizer

Once you’ve inspected your soil, now you can treat it. Some people believe that you should only fertilize your lawn during fall. However, fertilizing at the beginning of spring can bring wonderful results. 

Treating your lawn with fertilizer in spring will strengthen the grassroots. This allows them to absorb much more water than untreated roots. Fertilizing will also help your soil retain water. This prevents the unsightly patches of water puddles that often appear in the soil during the spring and summer months.

Alongside promoting a lusher and healthier lawn, fertilizers also help to choke out weeds. No one wants their lawn full of weeds during the spring season. Fertilizers will prevent weeds from gaining any foothold.

Mow Effectively

Lawn Mowing

When people think of lawn care, the first thing that pops into their minds is mowing. What better way to get your lawn ready for the season than to mow?

However, mowing haphazardly is not an effective way to care for your lawn. If you don’t mow smartly according to what your lawn needs, you can end up creating problems.

Follow a schedule to mow your lawn grass at the right height. It is best to mow the grass once a week to make sure it grows to the right height. When deciding how to mow, keep in mind the 1/3rd rule. According to this rule, never cut more than 1/3rd of your grass’s height in one go. This will allow for optimum growth.

If you follow a routine mowing schedule at the start of spring, you’ll be surprised at the lush appearance your lawn takes up in the following months.

Prevent Spring Pests

As the weather gets warmer and people start heading outside, so do pests! But pests shouldn’t mean you can’t enjoy your lawn. If you preemptively prevent the spread of spring pests, you may be looking at a pest-free spring!

If you want to keep your lawn clear of pests, the best tip we have is to maintain your grass. Unhealthy grass is a breeding ground for pests. If your grass is healthy, pests will be less inclined to infest. 

If unfortunately, you do catch a pest problem, it is important to first identify the kind of pests you are dealing with. A professional pest control company can help you control a pest infestation before it gets out of hand. 

Start Spring Right With Lawn Care

If you want to do the best for your lawn or garden, contact Turf Titanz! Turf Titanz in Wake Forest uses only the best plants, flowers, shrubs, and other amenities from local nurseries so they are very professional and reliable. Our team of landscape experts can help you decide what would be best for your yard. Call us today at  (919) 562-0771